Sunday, August 17, 2014

Journal Entry 081714-A: Aborted trip to Sand Island to look for Indian Girls!

Friends and customers,
Today on the last day of my 31 hour weekend "I decided to take a boat ride over to Sand Island to look for Indian Girls!
Well hell yall!
Why the hell not?
It started out to be a fantastic trip but as I navigated further South-West into Mobile Bay from the mouth of Weeks Bay the Sea's were increasingly choppy from the South-West slowing my progress considerably!
By the way friend's any girl from any Indian Tribe oh so would I have loved to have met over at Sand Island south of Dauphin Island!
Yall I like Indian Girls! Enough said okay?
I had planned to take some close-up photo's of Fort Morgan and fort Gaines but about 2/3 way to Fort Morgan I looked over to check my fuel guage on my main tank and the dad-gum needle had broke off from sloshing of the fuel back and forth in the tank which gave me reason for concern because that tank was not completely full of fuel when I left the launching ramp.
There were squalls to the South and North of me as I surveyed the horizon.
I had 9 gallons in my reserve tank so i decided to proceed with my plan until conditions warranted a change.
I decided to NOT proceed in close to Fort Morgan because those Indian Girls were a lot more important than that photo so I changed course to due West behind and south of an Alabama Marine Police or Coast Guard Patrol Boat that was also traveling due West.
I ran out of fuel midway of the ship channel or there-a-bouts and decided to abort my mission!
By this time friends the entire Northern horizon was black and seas had built to a pretty good height but were very steep and short white-caps and all!
I changed fuel lines to my auxillary tank with 9 gallons of fuel and turned North-East!
The mission wasnt a failure because on the way back I realized at some point that if I had a cabin on the boat and plenty of fuel I would have anchored and if I could peace and quiet I would love to stay on the water or at least take a nap!
Maybe I would have to be a few more miles off-shore I hope and not on the dark side of the Moon to get some peace and quiet!
Oh well we have a satelite on the other side of the damn moon now don't we?
Maybe it's just land based anyway!
I had Pizza on the way back and some red mountain dew and surfed the waves on back to the dock!
6 gallons to spare! Big damn difference surfing those waves than pounding threw them!
Please don't ever forget that my friends!
9 to 11 gallons out against the waves and 3 back with the waves!
That's my best estimate my firends.
thankfully the lightening stayed just to North of Weeks Bay but I'm sure my fellow boaters from Point Clear North caught Hell!
I've included some pictures of today's trip with this post I took with my Kodak Camera.
I'll post out the photo's I took with my Samsung tomorrow!
I am ADHD and you'll just have to guess what I took to write this post. If you wanna go dirty go dirty if you wanna clean go kinda Claritan Clear it's up to up to you but it's more Red, White and Blue!
Kinda like Pabst Blue Ribbon is to Michelob!
What-ever your favorite Beer might be my friends!
Damn sure don't compare to Crown!
Red, White and Blue got me out there in that Boat. Please don't hate me for it.
I hope you will continue on past the following statement and enjoy your "visit" to my Site and visit my store!
Not bad for an ADHD person that wishes they were on some Adderall XR or Vyvanse so they could accomplish three goals in Life in the second half of life or less!
*1. Family!
*2. Business!
*3. Education!
*Note: Do something good for somebody! You know what I mean.
I'm making some progress here at on the addition at Battleship Marine and I wanted to share the pictures with you if you don't mind.
I hope you can envision the completed addition to the Marine Supply Store here at Battleship Marine with me!
I hope you have found a business, product, service or something you would like to have yourself on the advertising page. If your looking for something please let me place a wanted advertisement on that site for you.

I would also love to post your items "For-Sale" and your "Fish" Pictures!
If you do need Marine Supplies, Marine Engine Parts or Boat Trailer Parts please browse the pages section located in the right side-bar of the web-version of this site!
If you don't find the items you are looking for please stop by or give me a call and I'll do my best to get it for you!
The Goal is to save you some time and money on "Quality" Merchandise!

I'm slowly working to be in a position to increase my "Athletic Gifts and Nautical Gifts" inventory as well! Please browse the pages Section of my Home Blog and the Gulf Coast Girls site as those items are featured on those pages in that order.

Please keep in mind the "Merchandise Pages" Section is located in right side-bar of the web-version of each of the 3 sites I feature products "For-Sale" and that I inventory here at Battleship Marine.
Listed below are some of the Categories of Marine Supplies that are "Available" to me here at Battleship Marine by my Wholesalers that are "Available" to you!
*Navigation Equipment
*Electrical Supplies
*Lighting Supplies
*Marine Batteries
*General Boating
*Safety Supplies
*Deck Hardware
*Pumps and Plumbing
*Marine Engine Parts
*Fuel Tanks, Fuel Lines, Fuel Fittings, Fuel Filters
*Oil, Grease, Lubricants
*Propellers (Stainless Steel and Aluminum)
*Zincs and Anodes
*Boat Trailer Parts
*Magic Tilt Trailers
*Consignment Sales Welcomed
*Free advertising of your local Business, Product, Service or Items "For-Sale" on the "classified" advertising blog!

Again thank you for visiting Battleship Marines web-site's and please do give me a call or stop by if I can be of Service to you on your Marine Supplies!

Please Visit Battleship Marine I sure appreciate it yall!
Have a Safe and Enjoyable 2014 Boating and Fishing Season!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd "Clifton" Wooley 
Note: "To Ty Pennington my Friend." "Man don't hate me for what I write and do cause I know You and Shire have the Crown and I'm just trying to keep my business going until I can have some Crown and go to school and have a girlfrined or wife my friend"! Ty I'm trying to help someone in my own way until help somebody in a different way! "I wanna a dang certificate from The University of Alabama to leave my children one-day and it's gonna take some Crown! I just don't have the guts to ask for it."


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