Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ships Log 092315-A: Happy Yom Kippur!

Friend's and Customer's,

Oh! Yom Kippur just starts Today.

I wanted to use that instead of mentioning today is the first day of autumn for goodness sakes- how time flies!

I had a series of bad dreams last night with I think the last one being that Walley-World up the Street beat me on a price. The one before that was about my ex-sister-in-law Celita that passed away about three days ago. By the way. I figure she is looking down us now. 

Well I don't know what kind of Technology God has but it has too much more advanced than ours and out off this planet for God Sakes! 

I assure you the rest of the night was no picnic either cause I either was having a bad dream or waking up shaking my dog to make sure she made it through the night.

I just got off the phone with my dad and although he may be a tad better getting over open heart surgery that aint no pic-nic either friend's!


I thought today was gonna be my dogs last day on this planet and damn if she didn't fall in the hall leaving the bedroom this morning just like she fell off the ramp and went rolling across the living room floor yesterday morning!

I heard her yesterday or she would have been dead. I mean dead!

My youngest son told me yesterday some idiot told him NOT being able to hear was no big deal so therefore he didn't need any new technology.


My dog would be dead Today if I hadn't heard her hit the floor yesterday cause I found her on her back choking to death!

Yeah you need to be able to hear!!!!

If I hadn't killed a little black spider in the hall this morning and been talking to my dog about it she may have died on the spot so your damn eye's are pretty important too but I already know that!

I went flush trying to save her so my damn nerve pill I take is pretty important too so damn the Torpedoes and full speed ahead!

They went to a new brand at my pharmacy with no line to evenly break the damn pill so damn the cheap ass drug companies!

That line to break that pill may cost you a fraction of a penny of some sort but the damn line needs to be there!!!!!

I take mine before I am awake good don't you?


I hit that dog with every pill I had from too different veterinarians, called and got some advice from one and after Opening ran up and got her some RECOVERY food and a syringe- Oh shit I got 3 of them in the house!

I use mine over and over not just not once yall!


I may be the biggest fool on the planet or slightly mentally ill but as you can see from the sign work I started today I plan to be here through the fifth year and well it's no laughing laughing matter but old Walley-World is gonna have to work hard to beat my price because- I plan to eat as many pills as it takes to keep an appetite so I can keep every-body alive for God Sakes! I don't like the odds on the alternative except first thing in the morning anyway when I roll out of bed!

Oh hell my luck I would wake up and try to dig my way out before the War Ants got there so unless I got to heaven it might not be so peaceful in that box!

God Damn I hope Jesus gives a wanna be future sinner like me another chance when I see the light so I can flirt with the female Angels!

Like I said one time before if Jesus will just let me on the planet with water I will bail the water out of the oldest boat or stick my hand through the hole Satan blows in our Universal Littoral Combat Ship until the repair crew gets to our location!

You know it's radio-active in space so my hand might need some attention from one of God's Female Angel's- I sure I hope so!

Stay tuned for more from the Crimson side!!!!

Before I go- can you name my favorite comedian even if you don't get the Joke? I'll post the answer at the very bottom of the post for you.

I hope yall are having a good week and please stop by even if you read it later in the post!

I either have it in the store, the warehouse or can drop ship it too you anywhere on the Planet!

"Get yourself and your boat out there and catch some fish or take the kids tubing or water-boarding- Yall have some fun- Have some fun my friend's before winter sets in in a few months!"

There should be some good fishing between Now and Christmas if the Weather acts right!

Please read on.........

I hope you have found a business, product, service or something you would like to have for yourself or a business that offers a Service you need!

If you Marine Supplies, Marine Engine Parts, Boat Trailer Parts or Fishing Equipment please browse the Merchandise pages section located on the Right side-bar of the web-version of the site!

Make an offer on the Consignment Item you like! I will telephone the owner and run the offer by them! ALL they can do is say no.

If you don't find the items you are looking for please stop by or give me a call and I'll do my best to get the items or parts for you at an affordable price without shipping costs- there maybe a little shipping on some items but I do not and will not add a profit or sales tax to your shipping cost!

I recently Opened an Account with a Fishing Equipment and Tackle wholesaler a fact i have been kinda been holding back on mentioning but i think i will go ahead and mention fact too you because i talked with them the other day about special ordering anything from their catalog for you until such time as i begin to stock a few of their items!

The Goal is to save you some time and money on "Quality" Merchandise!

Please keep in mind the "Merchandise Pages" Section is located in right side-bar of the web-version of each of the 3 sites I feature products "For-Sale" on and that I inventory here at Battleship Marine.

Listed below are some of the Categories of Marine Supplies that are "Available" or "In-Stock" at Battleship Marine by my Wholesalers that are "Available" to you!

*General Boating
*Safety Supplies
*Deck Hardware
*Pumps and Plumbing
*Marine Engine Parts
*Fuel Tanks, Fuel Lines, Fuel Fittings, Fuel Filters
*Oil, Grease, Lubricants
*Navigation Equipment
*Electrical Supplies
*Lighting Supplies
*Marine Batteries
*Propellers (Stainless Steel and Aluminum)
*Zincs and Anodes

*Boat Trailer Parts

*NEW Magic Boat Tilt Trailers!!!

*Special Order a NEW trailer and have it under your boat within a couple of Weeks!

*Consignment Sales of Fishing Equipment and Marine Supplies Welcomed!!!!

Please see Consignment Page for Details!

*Free Advertising of your local Business, Product, Service or Items "For-Sale" on the "classified" advertising blog page "Let's Sell Somethin"! You can can access that page on the "Web-Version" right under the "Title-Bar" here on Battleship Marine!

Again thank you for visiting Battleship Marines web-site's and please do give me a call or stop by if I can be of Service to you with Marine Supplies!

Have a Safe and Enjoyable 2015 Boating and Fishing Season!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd "Clifton" Wooley 

Roll Tide!!!

Go Jags!!!!!

* George Carlin! Just a nose before Eddie Murphy. Hell Eddie Murphy knows who my 3rd favorite comedian is yall.

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